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Kintsugi: The Poetic Mend
By Kemske, Bonnie

 Kintsugi: The Poetic Mend tells the story of this remarkable art form through its technical and practical elements, its origins, and its connections to today’s world. It also includes stories from Bonnie's travels to Japan, where she spoke with artists and ceramicists. The inclusion of their stories and others give the reader an experience of kintsugi on a personal level.

Inspired by the ancient Japanese art of kintsugi, the author's self-care book teaches how to embrace life's adversities, heal wounds, and build resilience.

Unlike other English-language books on kintsugi, this one gave detailed instructions on how to perform kintsugi. The materials are also precise. However, it does not give the quantities and so on, so you cannot kintsugi from this book.

The book is begins with a mysterious story. Then, after the prologue, the anecdotes are divided and the story expands from a professional perspective on kintsugi and psychology in relation to them.

The author is a professional psychologist. He writes about healing the mind by connecting kintsugi with the heart. However, the kintsugi method is not on board.

Kintsugi's book

Several books on Kintsugi have been published around the world.

Many of them have been written about the author's experiences, connecting the heart and kintsugi.

The following books are some of the most widely read books about kintsugi in the world.

Old, broken objects can become more beautiful than ever!

The thought of throwing away a cherished dish or mug can be heartbreaking. If you've ever wanted to repair a treasured piece rather than tossing it in the trash--but didn't know how--the traditional Japanese art of Kintsugi ("gold repair") offers the perfect solution!

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It is a sustainable, traditional Japanese ceramic repair technique, an art of accepting things as they are.